They only want what is best for us

It has been shown that the “Progressive” belief system is a mental disorder.

Now that they are in charge, that knowledge will have to go away. But what to replace it with?


The Harvard Law School is having a conference to analyze the “free market mindset.” The basic premise of the conference seems to be that people who believe in limited government are psychologically troubled.

The conference schedule features presentations such as “How Thinking Like an Economist Undermines Community” and “Addicted to Incentives: How the Ideology of Self Interest Can Be Self-Fulfilling.” The most absurd presentation, though, may be the one entitled, “Colossal Failure: The Output Bias of Market Economies.” According to the description, the author argues that the market “delivers excessive levels of consumption.” Damn those entrepreneurs for creating so much wealth!

In the good old days of Soviet dictatorship, the regime classified dissidents as being mentally ill (after all, only a nutcase would fail to see the glories of communism).

Now that leftists at Harvard want to portray laissez-faire philosophy as being somewhat akin to a mental disorder, maybe the next step will be re-education camps for Cato staff? Maybe the next “stimulus” bill could include a few earmarks for such facilities?

Because being smart with your life means that others may not have the chance to “help” you and then you won’t feel obliged to “help” them and if that happens, who will teach the world to sing in perfect harmony?

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6 Responses to They only want what is best for us

  1. Myles says:

    Years ago I semi-dated a girl that ended up going to Harvard. Her degree was in Political Science. She was always a bit of a Lefty (her mother was a burnout 60’s Flower Child) but she seemed fairly stable. Awhile back I heard she had quit her job in NYC, moved to someplace in South America, and joined a commune for American ex-patriot hardcore environmentalists.
    Harvard is a strange place.

  2. threeLegDog says:

    If I didn’t know any better, I would think I was participating in some strange, Orson Welles adaptation of “Atlas Shrugged”.

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    The stimulus comes with a jackboot and a cattle-prod…

  4. Rivrdog says:

    Hey, another label! Add it to the stack, Professor!

    Let’s see, in chronological order, I have been referred to (as YAF in college in the early-mid 60’s) supporting baby-killing.

    During my military service, a bringer of Nuclear Holocaust (True, that one, except I never got to actually drop or launch one of those nukes I sat on alert with).

    During my service as a Deputy Sheriff, a jack-booted Storm Trooper. Actually, I wore Aviator’s boots most of the time. I worked during storms and on clear days, too.

    During my retirement, a fucking thief for taking a public retirement, every dime of which I earned, and a lot of it during overtime.

    During the Obama Campaign ’08 as a religionist and gun nut (I don’t have a religious bone in my body, but I do respect those who want to think that way, AS LONG AS THEY ARE ACTUALLY THINKING).

    During my blogging hobby (going into my 6th year now), as a fucking revolutionary, a fucking reactionary, a gun nut, and most of those above, all over again.

    Calling me a Free Market Randian Pirate (or whatever) won’t really add much to that list, I should think.

  5. Ragin' Dave says:

    Well, I’ve been called a “Chickenhawk”, a jackbooted fascist thug, a goose-stepping nazi, blah blah blah blah blah.

    Normally people to try to label me get a big laugh right in their face. It’s the only reaction that truly fits. And it’s much better when I’ve just taken a drag off a smoke, so THAT goes right in their face as well.

  6. Pingback: Random Nuclear Strikes » RNS Quote of the Day: 03/23/09

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