Polling their way to big brother medicine

UK Parliment Ministers will be gathering together 100 “ordinary citizens” to ask them one simple question:

Does the person whose lifestyle causes them illness (smokers, drinkers, the obese) deserve the same priority for medical proceedures as a non-smoker, a non-drinker, or those who are height-weight proportional?

Obese may be denied priority NHS care

A Cabinet review group on public services was shocked by the scale of the burden caused by people’s lifestyles. “Ministers were shocked by the fact that half of all years of healthy life are lost as a result of behavioural factors (e.g. smoking and diet),” a Government source said.

Ministers want a “cultural change” in public services so the state can support and encourage people to change their behaviour to improve their life chances and well-being.

This goes right along with the story I posted about back in November of 2005, where local clinics were denying hip and knee replacements to the overweight to try and cut down on the number of people waiting in line.

Got a bum knee and a little pudge around the middle?

How about a big ass that didn’t provide enough padding when you fell and ended up breaking your hip due to the onset of osteoperosis?

Well then, you are a heathen piece of shit who deserves to suffer. At least according to the people who have your best interest in mind from the UK’s National Health Service in East Suffolk.

The truly battering irony here being that, if you have injured your hips or knees, you are now, at best, wheelchair mobile and cannot exercise to lose the weight. Hope you like those starvation diets!

And I still stand steadfastly by exactly what I wrote about socialized medicine then

Remember, no matter how much of your tax money goes into the bucket for these “Free” services, the bean counters in the administrative offices are the ones that decide who gets what.

Never, ever, trust a bean counter to have your best interest in mind.

Especially when that bean counter has a guaranteed gov’t position.

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2 Responses to Polling their way to big brother medicine

  1. Lergnom says:

    First I read that “Foreigners with no employment” who are nabbed for breaking the law are let off with a caution because “it is too expensive to prosecute”. Then I read that half of the Royal Navy is being RIFed for budget reasons. Now this. The UK is fast becoming a third-world country.

  2. DFWMTX says:

    When I see liberals talking about free healthcare via the government, I never hear them talk about how the gvt. bureaucracy. And we all have dealt with gvt. bureaucracies and have seen how slow and/or inept they are. You go to the Post Office (gvt. office) and you get one or two clerks serving 12 or more people very slowly; would you put up with the same level of service from your doctor? If it takes 4-6 weeks to get your driver’s liscense back from the DMV, would you put up with 4-6 weeks to get your anti-biotic perscription filled? Every government agency has a bureaucracy, and it is staffed with people, and people can count on people to always mess up on something eventually. Logically, you’d think with gvt. in healthcare, someone somewhere in the administation of it is going to one day fuck you royally when you need it the most, or they’ll forget an important document causing major headaches at the least, or deaths at the worst. And too often when gvt. bureaocracy screws up, the mess is shoved under the carpet. THIS is the system the “free healthcare for everybody!” bunch wants. No thanks!

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